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A structural Ricardian valuation of climate change impacts on agriculture in Pak

A structural Ricardian valuation of climate change impacts on agriculture in Pak
Borkert, Schwarz und Zerfaß GbR zum Angebot

Verkäufer: Borkert, Schwarz und Zerfaß GbR

Deutsche Post Bücher-/Warensendung - Sparversand, Versand kostenlos
DHL Paket - Standardversand, 5,00€*
Versand nach: Amerika, Europa, Asien, Australien

EAN: 9783631650141

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Zustand: Sehr gut

Anmerkung des Verkäufers: Tadelloses Exemplar. - Table of Contents -- Preface 7 -- Acknowledgements 9 -- List of Figures and Tables 15 -- 1 Introduction and Problem Statement 19 -- 1.1 Objectives 23 -- 1.2 Conceptual Approach 24 -- 2 The Agriculture Sector of Pakistan 27 -- 2.1 Geography and Soils 27 -- 2.2 Climate and Water Resources of Pakistan 31 -- 2.2.1 Climate 31 -- 2.2.2 Water resources 36 -- 2.3 Agro-Ecological Zones of Pakistan 40 -- 2.4 Development of the Agricultural Sector in Pakistan 44 -- 2.4.1 Land use pattern in Pakistan 44 -- 2.4.2 Agricultural Production - Major Crops of Pakistan 47 -- 2.4.3 History of Land reforms, Farm structures and tenurial systems 60 -- 2.5 Domestic Agricultural Policy 66 -- 2.6 Agriculture in the National Economy 74 -- 2.6.1 Agriculture and the GDP 75 -- 2.6.2 Employment....'. 76 -- 2.6.3 Trade 78 -- 2.7 Investment and Agricultural Credit 81 -- 2.8 Total Factor Productivity 85 -- 3 The role of climate in agricultural production and local vulnerabilities 89 -- 3.1 Agricul

Standort des Anbieters: DE Berlin
Tadelloses Exemplar. - Table of Contents -- Preface 7 -- Acknowledgements 9 -- List of Figures and Tables 15 -- 1 Introduction and Problem Statement 19 -- 1.1 Objectives 23 -- 1.2 Conceptual Approach 24 -- 2 The Agriculture Sector of Pakistan 27 -- 2.1 Geography and Soils 27 -- 2.2 Climate and Water Resources of Pakistan 31 -- 2.2.1 Climate 31 -- 2.2.2 Water resources 36 -- 2.3 Agro-Ecological Zones of Pakistan 40 -- 2.4 Development of the Agricultural Sector in Pakistan 44 -- 2.4.1 Land use pattern in Pakistan 44 -- 2.4.2 Agricultural Production - Major Crops of Pakistan 47 -- 2.4.3 History of Land reforms, Farm structures and tenurial systems 60 -- 2.5 Domestic Agricultural Policy 66 -- 2.6 Agriculture in the National Economy 74 -- 2.6.1 Agriculture and the GDP 75 -- 2.6.2 Employment....'. 76 -- 2.6.3 Trade 78 -- 2.
: 9783631650141
: 3631650140
: Landwirtschaft
: Frankfurt, M. : PL Acad. Research
: 2013
: Ahmed, Mirza Nomman
: A structural Ricardian valuation of climate change impacts on ag
: Englisch
: Pp
: Pakistan
: Bücher
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