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Uovision Live Stream 4G LTE 90-129 Camcorder - Grau

Uovision Live Stream 4G LTE 90-129 Camcorder - Grau
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Verkäufer: Back Market

Versandinformationen: Versand kostenlos

EAN: k. A.

Improvements on UOVision LiveStream 4G Mk II compared to the first version of LiveStream 4G: - Improved IR flash - Even better connection speed (which was already super fast on the first model) - Lower power consumption - Operational reliability - Elimination of previously joint minor "teething problems/software bugs". UOVision LiveStream 4G Mk II is a modern game & surveillance camera that takes pictures and video directly in front of the camera and sends the image straight to your mobile, tablet or computer via the mobile network 2,3 & 4G network. With the LiveStream 4G Mk II, you also have the opportunity to go in and check live what is happening in real-time at the location where the camera is located, whether the camera has reacted to movement or not. You can also download full-sized videos that the camera has recorded to your phone, computer or tablet. The camera has several intelligent features; read more about them below. LiveStream 4G Mk II has been developed with extra focus on the video function and is aimed at those who are primarily interested in recording video clips and being able to watch live videos. It is based on a completely different processor/platform than *other cameras, which is focused on the video properties. This means, among other things, that the camera, in combination with a newly developed motion sensor, reacts very quickly to movement in video mode and has a video resolution of 4K that gives excellent video quality. Live video It allows you to check out what's happening in front of the camera remotely in real-time. You can watch live videos for up to two minutes in day mode and up to one minute at night. The live video displayed on your smartphone is in VGA resolution (640x480 pixels). The camera simultaneously saves a high-resolution video on the camera's memory card, which you can then download from the camera to the app on your phone remotely. (The camera also sends images and video to the app like a "regular" wildlife camera.) DTS motion sensor Livestream has an all-new, lightning-fast motion sensor that is well-adapted to the camera's angle of view. The camera's motion sensor has a long range and high sensitivity; it can be set in 3 different modes: Low, Auto and High. Fast and secure transmission High-speed image & video transmission via 4G/LTE mobile network (3G/2G compatible). The camera always sends a still image/screenshot of the recorded video; you can then download the full video clip from the camera to the app on your phone remotely. The image or video is sent immediately after the camera has taken it. The camera sends a reduced image; this is to keep down operating costs (save surf on the sim card). The reduced picture sent is still evident and sharp, and if you want, you can quickly request that the camera send the high-resolution original image or video clip. High image & video quality - True 5MP image sensor* (interpolated up to 32MP) - 4K video, full HD with audio recording. - In the photo+Video function, the camera takes a still image first, then a movie clip in the specified length; both the movie and the still image can be downloaded directly to the high-resolution app. The camera delivers exceptionally high image quality, day or night. It can take 1-10 consecutive images upon detection; choose which photos the camera will send. The video quality is adjustable in four resolutions: 4K, Full HD 1080P or 720P. QVGA in Live mode. At night, when it is dark, the camera takes black and white images/films so that the camera does not scare animals or reveal itself to humans. Remote control: With the APP or web portal, you can easily control/change ALL camera settings FREE OF CHARGE. With the remote control function turned on, the camera consumes significantly more power because it is online to the network. The function can be set to be active in real-time every half hour up to 24 hours daily. We recommend using external power if you use the feature frequently. A selection of functions that can be changed: - Request the camera to take a picture or video and send it to you - Turn on/off the camera's sending function. - Switch between photo and video mode - The strength of the flash - Image resolution LinckEazi is a free service. You can download the app via Google Play (Android) or App Store (iOS). If you want to use the web portal, you can find it here: UOVision's cloud service, LinckEazi Cloud The camera takes a picture/video as usual and sends it quickly and directly to the LinckEazi cloud service; the mobile app immediately sends you a notification that the camera has taken a new picture/video, and the image can be viewed directly in the LinckEazi app. (The images can also be sent by e-mail if you wish). The app provides an excellent overview of the camera's settings and structures the images well, regardless of how many cameras you use. You have full access to your camera's photos and videos and can change all settings from the app or the web, no matter where y
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