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Beginning Xamarin Development for the Mac - Dawid Borycki, Kartoniert (TB)

Beginning Xamarin Development for the Mac - Dawid Borycki, Kartoniert (TB)
weltbild zum Angebot

Verkäufer: weltbild

Versandinformationen: Versand kostenlos

EAN: k. A.

Develop apps for the iPhone, iPad, and Apple wearables using Visual Studio for the Mac. Learn how to set up your development environment and emulators, and how to create adaptive user interfaces for various platforms. Expert Dawid Borycki guides you through the fundamentals of programming for Apple platforms (Model View Controller, Test Driven Development), navigation patterns, gesture handling, accessing user's location, and reading and consuming data from web services. After reading this book, you will be able to build native apps that look and feel like other apps built into iOS, watchOS, and tvOS, and have the skills that are in high demand in today's market. If you are already programming C# apps for web or desktop, you will learn how to extend your skill set to Apple mobile, wearable, and smart TV platforms. What You'll Learn Build and implement native apps for Apple platforms Create adaptive, universal views and handle navigation between them Access user's location and handle touch input Consume data from web services Minimize app development time with C# Who This Book Is For Developers who are interested in mobile and device development, as well as experienced non-Apple developers who want to switch or extend their skill set to programming for Apple platforms
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