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Cues - Vanessa Van Edwards, Gebunden

Cues - Vanessa Van Edwards, Gebunden
weltbild zum Angebot

Verkäufer: weltbild

Versandinformationen: Versand kostenlos

EAN: k. A.

For anyone who wants to be heard at work, earn that overdue promotion, or win more clients, deals, and projects, the bestselling author of Captivate, Vanessa Van Edwards, shares her advanced guide to improving professional relationships through the power of cues. If you've ever been interrupted in meetings, overwhelmed in presentations, or even felt awkward during interactions, it's not you, it's your cues! Becoming fluent in the language of cues-the tiny signals we send to others 24/7 through our body language, facial expressions, word choice, and vocal inflection-will have a massive impact on how you come across to and interact with others. Using the latest interpersonal intelligence research and fascinating real-life case studies from billionaires, celebrities, politicians, and reality stars, behavior expert Vanessa Van Edwards will teach you: Which body language cues can instantly increase trust and charisma Which vocal cues make you sound more confident in video calls and on the phone Which verbal cues to use in your résumé, branding, and emails to increase trust (and generate excitement about interacting with you.) Which visual cues you are sending in your profile pictures, clothing, and professional brand. No matter your profession, cues enable brilliant, talented individuals to expertly share their ideas. Cues help introverts be heard without being loud. Cues are critical to helping you showcase your talent, ideas, and skills with confidence. You'll learn how to wow your coworkers and clients (yes, there's a science to this) and convey warmth and competence in every interaction. Cues are your new secret communication weapon. Never be overlooked, underestimated, or misunderstood again.
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