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Eat More, Live Well - Megan Rossi, Kartoniert (TB)

Eat More, Live Well - Megan Rossi, Kartoniert (TB)
weltbild zum Angebot

Verkäufer: weltbild

Versandinformationen: Versand kostenlos

EAN: k. A.

It has never been so delicious to eat well for your gut health! Treat yourself to these delicious gut-loving recipes and lifestyle hacks from The Gut Health Doctor, as seen on This Morning.Want to enjoy delicious food that is actually good for your body? Forget cutting out or cutting down, Dr Megan Rossi's revolutionary Diversity Diet has changed the lives of thousands of her clients and proves that eating more plants and enjoying more flavour taps into the very latest scientific discoveries about how our body works best. That's right, eating MORE can boost your gut health and make you feel amazing.Megan shares a step-by-step guide to the Diversity Diet, including over 80 mouth-watering recipes, three bespoke menu plans, shopping lists, one-minute snack ideas and so much more! She also explains all the facts, including how:- You don't have to only eat plants (unless you want to)- Our gut thrives on fibre, which is found in plants- You can lose weight without counting calories- A healthy gut can improve your skin, brain, immunity, hormones and metabolismA book for food-lovers, Eat More, Live Well is packed with Megan's all-time favourite dishes, including a Hearty Lasagne, Fibre-packed Carrot Cake, Loaded Nachos, Prebiotic Rocky Road, Raspberry and White Chocolate Muffins and Sweet Potato Gnocchi.The answer to healthy eating is inclusion, not exclusion, so why not start today? Get the results you deserve!-------------------------------'Megan is my idol - so passionate and knowledgeable! She has so many great tips and the recipes are easy, delicious and healthy!' DAVINA MCCALL 'Megan is helping tummies everywhere with her delicious food!' DR RUPY AUJLA'This book is full of Megan's tasty food that will take care of your body and mind' THE HAPPY PEARS____________________________Sunday Times bestseller January, February and July 2022
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