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Never Too Small: Vol. 2 - Joel Beath, Camilla Janse van Vuuren, Gebunden

Never Too Small: Vol. 2 - Joel Beath, Camilla Janse van Vuuren, Gebunden
weltbild zum Angebot

Verkäufer: weltbild

Versandinformationen: Versand kostenlos

EAN: k. A.

Small footprint design that proves living better doesn't have to mean living larger. Following the success of their first book, the second volume of Never Too Small showcases 30 new and outstanding homes from around the world that explore small space living. Framed by five small-footprint design principles, the book features beautiful photography, detailed floor-plans and accessible architectural commentary on each of the 30 homes. Championing the work of award-winning architects and designers, Never Too Small offers an inspiring model for the future of housing-one where sustainability and style, comfort and affordability can co-exist. Praise for Never Too Small: Full of inspiration we can each apply to our own spaces, this is a book that offers hope and inspiration for a future of our cities and their citizens in which sustainability and style, comfort and affordability can co-exist. Never Too Small proves living better doesn't have to mean living larger. - Uro Books After years of recommending the YouTube channel to anyone who will listen, this book celebrates thoughtfully and ingeniously designed small urban spaces in all their variety. - Kinokuniya Books This has to have been my favourite book of 2022. Good design goes a long way, especially in a small space, and Creative Director Colin Chee has gone all-out in this book to share that message.- Chicane Magazine
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