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Smartwatch GPS Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 Classic -

Smartwatch GPS Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 Classic -
Back Market zum Angebot

Verkäufer: Back Market

Versandinformationen: Versand kostenlos

EAN: k. A.

The Samsung Galaxy Watch4 Classic is a stylish device that fits your lifestyle. Google Pay lets you make quick and simple payments, and the many health and fitness features help you keep track of your health and progress. The crystal clear Super AMOLED display produces crystal clear images with good visibility outdoors. The competent battery lasts long and can be recharged in just 2 hours. Put music on your workout with Spotify. Design The smartwatch has a timeless design with a classic aesthetic, emphasised by the stainless steel casing. The lightweight silicone bracelet feels light on the wrist. Touch screen Samsung Galaxy Watch4 has a 1.2” Super AMOLED touch screen with a 396 x 396 pixels resolution. Gorilla Glass DX+ covers the touchscreen for excellent protection. The rotating bezel and the two dedicated buttons make the watch easy to operate. Durability Thanks to the 5ATM certification, the device can withstand water down to a depth of 50 meters, subject to a pressure of 5 atm. The smartwatch also resists shocks and is tested according to military standards, such as MIL-STD-810G and IP68. Fitness features Samsung Galaxy Watch4 offers a wide range of features for exercise, including multiple exercise types, sleep and heart rate monitoring, automatic exercise recording and a lifestyle assistant. The sleep and stress measurement and the advanced, automatic training tracking ensure that you are well-rested and in good health. Set a daily activity goal, stay motivated and monitor your progress. Connections Stay connected on the go with GPS and Bluetooth 5.0, Wi-Fi and NFC for contactless payments. Exynos W920 The Exynos W920 dual-core processor is built on a 5nm process, generating up to 20% better CPU performance than its predecessor and ten times better graphics performance. Other features - 1.5 GB RAM and 16 GB internal storage - 247 mAh battery - Spotify offline listening - Camera control - Microphone and speaker - Accelerometer, Gyro sensor, light sensor, barometer, ECG, heart rate monitor, compass, BIA - Wear OS Included in the box - Samsung Galaxy Watch4 Classic - Wireless charger
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