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Stella - Takis Wurger, Kartoniert (TB)

Stella - Takis Wurger, Kartoniert (TB)
weltbild zum Angebot

Verkäufer: weltbild

Versandinformationen: Versand kostenlos

EAN: k. A.

From the internationally bestselling author of The Club comes a gripping historical novel of love and betrayal, set in wartime Berlin In 1942, Friedrich, an even-keeled but unworldly young man, arrives in Berlin from bucolic Switzerland with dreams of becoming an artist. At a life drawing class, he is hypnotized by the beautiful model, Kristin, who soon becomes his energetic yet enigmatic guide to the bustling and cosmopolitan city. Kristin teaches the nai¿ve Friedrich how to take care of himself in a city filled with danger, and brings him to an underground jazz club where they drink cognac, dance, and kiss. The war feels far away to Friedrich as he falls in love with Kristin, the pair cocooned inside their palatial rooms at the Grand Hotel, where even Champagne and fresh fruit can be obtained thanks to the black market. But as the months pass, the mood in the city darkens yet further, with the Nazi Party tightening their hold on everyday life of all Berliners, terrorizing anyone who might be disloyal to the Reich. Kristin's loyalties are unclear, and she is not everything she seems, as his realizes when one frightening day she comes back to Friedrich's hotel suite in tears, battered and bruised. She tells him an astonishing secret: that her real name is Stella, and that she is Jewish, passing for Aryan. Fritz comforts her, but he soon realizes that Stella's control of the situation is rapidly slipping out of her grasp, and that the Gestapo have an impossible power over her. As Friedrich confronts Stella's unimaginable choices, he finds himself woefully unprepared for the history he is living through. Based in part on a real historical character, Stella sets a tortured love story against the backdrop of wartime Berlin, and powerfully explores questions of naivete¿, young love, betrayal, and the horrors of history.
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