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The Illustrated Secret History of the World - Mark Booth, Gebunden

The Illustrated Secret History of the World - Mark Booth, Gebunden
weltbild zum Angebot

Verkäufer: weltbild

Versandinformationen: Versand kostenlos

EAN: k. A.

Mark Booth’s The Illustrated Secret History of the World expands upon his New York Times authoritative text on the subject of esoteric belief systems and secret societies, adding to its thorough and revealing information of more than 350 illustrations—many of them rare—of the symbols, drawings, engravings, paintings, and photographs that are a key part of the world’s secret history. Maddening, challenging, provoking and inspiring. Beautifully written. My mind is on fire with argument and wonder.” —Anne Rice, author, Interview with a Vampire This richly illustrated edition features exclusive material accompanying the original text in a beautiful package and oversize format. The Illustrated Secret History of the World presents a radical reinterpretation of human existence and a view of the world previously hidden from us. Featuring: Alchemists & Freemasons The Illuminati The Knights Templar The Garden of Eden The Looking Glass Universe The Gods Who Loved Women The Green King The Prophets The Sphinx & the Timelock The Neolithic Alexander Zarathustra The Rise of the Magi Lucifer Gnostics & Shamans Mohammed and Gabriel Francis Bacon and the Green One The Rosicrucian Age The Seven Seals & The New Jerusalem And much more! This beautiful book illuminates what has long been hidden from students of history. It’s a beautiful coffee table book, and the perfect gift for anyone who wants to see history from a different perspective.
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