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The New Silk Roads: The Present and Future of the World. Frankopan, Peter:

The New Silk Roads: The Present and Future of the World. Frankopan, Peter:
Borkert, Schwarz und Zerfaß GbR zum Angebot

Verkäufer: Borkert, Schwarz und Zerfaß GbR

Deutsche Post Bücher-/Warensendung - Sparversand, Versand kostenlos
DHL Paket - Standardversand, 5,00€*
Versand nach: Amerika, Europa, Asien, Australien

EAN: 9780525656401

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Anmerkung des Verkäufers: Lediglich leicht Gebrauchsspuren am Buchrücken des Schutzumschlags, Vorderschnitt unregelmäßig, sonst ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar / Only slight signs of usage on the spine of the dust jacket, fore edge irregular, otherwise a good and clean copy. - CONTENTS Introduction Map THE ROADS TO THE EAST THE ROADS TO THE HEART OF THE WORLD THE ROADS TO BEIJING THE ROADS TO RIVALRY THE ROADS TO THE FUTURE Acknowledgements Notes Index / “All roads used to lead to Rome. Now they lead to Beijing.” So argues Peter Frankopan in this revelatory new book. In the age of Brexit and Trump, the West is buffeted by the tides of isolationism and fragmentation. Yet to the East, this is a moment of optimism as a new network of relationships takes shape along the ancient trade routes. In The New Silk Roads, Frankopan takes us on an eye-opening journey through the region, from China’s breathtaking infrastructure investments to the flood of trade deals among Central Asian republics to the growing rapprochement

Standort des Anbieters: DE Berlin
Lediglich leicht Gebrauchsspuren am Buchrücken des Schutzumschlags, Vorderschnitt unregelmäßig, sonst ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar / Only slight signs of usage on the spine of the dust jacket, fore edge irregular, otherwise a good and clean copy. - CONTENTS Introduction Map THE ROADS TO THE EAST THE ROADS TO THE HEART OF THE WORLD THE ROADS TO BEIJING THE ROADS TO RIVALRY THE ROADS TO THE FUTURE Acknowledgements Notes Index / “All roads used to lead to Rome. Now they lead to Beijing.” So argues Peter Frankopan in this revelatory new book. In the age of Brexit and Trump, the West is buffeted by the tides of isolationism and fragmentation. Yet to the East, this is a moment of optimism as a new network of relationships takes shape along the ancient trade routes.
: 9780525656401
: 0525656405
: Gesellschaft & Politik
: Geschichte & Militär
: New York: Alfred A. Knopf
: 2019
: Frankopan, Peter
: Englisch
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