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Understanding Game Application Development - Vincent Maverick S. Durano, Kartoniert (TB)

Understanding Game Application Development - Vincent Maverick S. Durano, Kartoniert (TB)
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Verkäufer: weltbild

Versandinformationen: Versand kostenlos

EAN: k. A.

Learn to build a simple data-driven mobile game application using the power of Xamarin.Forms, ASP.NET, the Web API, and SignalR with this short book. In it you will build a cross-platform mobile application that targets both iOS and Android, connect your app with your database using Entity Framework, and implement real-time syncing functionality using SignalR. Understanding Game Application Development starts by giving you an overview of the development tools, an installation guide, and a list of prerequisites. You will learn how to manage application flow, create your workspace, and set up your database. Next, you will see how to access data for handling CRUD operations and define the necessary API endpoints. Further, you will build a mobile application with Xamarin.Forms, both in iOS and in Android. You will also understand the deployment and testing process as well as how to build a real-time leader boardusing ASP.NET MVC and SignalR. Finally, you will understand how to publish your source code on GitHub from Visual Studio 2017. What You Will Learn Understand the basic concept and fundamentals of the technologies used for building the applications Set up your development environment Create a SQL database from scratch Implement a data access layer Define REST service endpoints using the Web API Deploy, test, and debug iOS and Android applications Push your source code to GitHub Who This Book Is For .NET developers who want to jump on mobile application development with Xamarin and learn with practical examples.
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