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What's Wild Outside Your Door? - Peter Wohlleben, Gebunden

What's Wild Outside Your Door? - Peter Wohlleben, Gebunden
weltbild zum Angebot

Verkäufer: weltbild

Versandinformationen: Versand kostenlos

EAN: k. A.

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Hidden Life of Trees and Can You Hear the Trees Talking? comes a guide to finding nature in the city for kids 8-12. Features STEM activities, fun facts, quizzes, photographs, and more. You might think cities are the last place to find nature. But nature is actually right outside your door-you just need to know where to look. From the roofs of apartments to parking lots, cities are bursting with plants and animals.In this fascinating and interactive guide, kids will learn about how birds build their nests on bridges, where salamanders and toads hide, and how plants push through sidewalk cracks. Alongside these awe-inspiring facts, Peter shares engaging, science-based activities, including how to: Identify animal sounds Raise a slime mold Make your own compass Collect plants to start your own herbarium See shooting stars And more Peter also provides information on what animals thrive in cities and which could use our help, as well as tips for staying safe and having fun while embarking on a nature adventure. Perfect for outdoor education, What's Wild Outside Your Door? equips kids in urban and suburban environments with the knowledge to engage with the natural world around them, and the confidence to go explore.
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