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Acute Nephrology for the Critical Care Physician, Kartoniert (TB)

Acute Nephrology for the Critical Care Physician, Kartoniert (TB)

This practical guide provides the reader with answers to important clinically relevant questions regarding the evaluation and management of acute kidney injury (AKI). All aspects of critical care nephrology are covered, from pathophysiology and

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Critical Care Radiology - Cornelia M. Schaefer-Prokop, Gebunden

Critical Care Radiology - Cornelia M. Schaefer-Prokop, Gebunden

Critical Care Radiology will help readers rapidly develop an accurate radiological diagnosis in a critical care setting and overcome difficulties typically encountered in intensive care such as limited image quality, non-specific findings, and time

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Critical Care Surgery, Kartoniert (TB)

Critical Care Surgery, Kartoniert (TB)

The third in a ten-volume series on general surgery, this book covers one of the core branches of surgical science. An ideal textbook that features attractive and accessible design, it is a concise review of the central principles of critical care

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Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Spine, Gebunden

Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Spine, Gebunden

Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Spine, 2nd edition, by a distinguished critical care neurosurgeon, Jack Jallo, and a renowned spine surgeon, Alexander Vaccaro, incorporates salient components of the highly praised first edition. The updated

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Adult Critical Care Medicine, Kartoniert (TB)

Adult Critical Care Medicine, Kartoniert (TB)

This clinical casebook provides a comprehensive yet concise state-of-the-art review of adult critical care medicine. Presented in a case-based format, each case focuses on a scenario commonly encountered with an adult patient in the ICU. Case

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Evidence-Based Critical Care - Paul Ellis Marik, Kartoniert (TB)

Evidence-Based Critical Care - Paul Ellis Marik, Kartoniert (TB)

This is the premier evidence-based textbook in critical care medicine. The Third Edition features updated and revised chapters, numerous new references, streamlined content, and new chapters on key topics such as the new paradigm in critical care

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Critical Care Medicine - John J. Marini, David J. Dries, Kartoniert (TB)

Critical Care Medicine - John J. Marini, David J. Dries, Kartoniert (TB)

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. With a full-color design and concise, easy-to-read chapters,

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Critical Care Nursing Made Incredibly Easy (Incredibly Easy! Series®) - David W. Woodruff, Kartoniert (TB)

Critical Care Nursing Made Incredibly Easy (Incredibly Easy! Series®) - David ...

Feeling unsure about your critical care nursing skills? Time to gain some confident know-how, with the freshly updated Critical Care Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!®, 5th Edition. This friendly, fully illustrated guide offers clear, concise direction

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Nursing in Critical Care Setting - Irene Comisso, Alberto Lucchini, Stefano Bambi, Gian Domenico Giusti, Matteo Manici, Kartoniert (TB)

Nursing in Critical Care Setting - Irene Comisso, Alberto Lucchini, Stefano ...

This book provides essential insights into how the approach to nursing care in ICU patients has markedly changed over recent years. It shows how the focus has progressively moved away from the technical approach that characterized early ICUs to a

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Pediatric Critical Care Medicine.Vol.2, Gebunden

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine.Vol.2, Gebunden

Part of a three-volume resource on pediatric critical care medicine, this title presents a systems approach to field.

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Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Brain, Gebunden

Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Brain, Gebunden

Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Brain, 2nd edition by renowned neurosurgeons Jack Jallo and Christopher Loftus incorporates salient components of the highly praised first edition. The updated text reflects cutting-edge discussion on traumatic

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Handbook of Critical Care - Jesse B. Hall, Kartoniert (TB)

Handbook of Critical Care - Jesse B. Hall, Kartoniert (TB)

This pocket-sized basic intensive care manual covers major organ systems, infection, nutrition, physical injury and toxicology as well as, briefly, scoring systems and obstetrics. It includes very clear pictures, comparative tables, diagrams and

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Oxford Handbook of Critical Care Third Edition and Emergencies in Critical Care Second Edition Pack - Mervyn Singer, Andrew Webb, Kartoniert (TB)

Oxford Handbook of Critical Care Third Edition and Emergencies in Critical Care ...

Patient-centred and practical, this pack serves the consultant, trainee, nurse, and other allied health professionals as both a reference and aide memoir. This is an indispensable pack for all those working within critical care and includes a

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Critical Care Nutrition Therapy for Non-nutritionists, Kartoniert (TB)

Critical Care Nutrition Therapy for Non-nutritionists, Kartoniert (TB)

This book offers a pragmatic approach to day-to-day metabolic and nutritional care based on physiological considerations. Due to the numerous controversial trials published in the last 15 years, there is no clear guidance for intensive care

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Pocket Guide to Critical Care Pharmacotherapy - John Papadopoulos, Kartoniert (TB)

Pocket Guide to Critical Care Pharmacotherapy - John Papadopoulos, Kartoniert ...

This is a no-nonsense guide to drug treatment in the intensive care unit. It covers the most commonly encountered conditions and is organized by system. Management of each condition is tersely outlined step-by-step in table format. The book also

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Critical Care Medicine - Joseph E. Parrillo, R. Phillip Dellinger, Gebunden

Critical Care Medicine - Joseph E. Parrillo, R. Phillip Dellinger, Gebunden

Take the best possible care of adult critical care patients with Critical Care Medicine: Principles of Diagnosis and Management in the Adult! Editors Dr. Joseph Parrillo and Dr. Phillip Dellinger, two of the most respected names in critical care

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Strategies in Neonatal Care to Promote Optimized Growth and Development: Focus on Low Birth Weight Infants, Gebunden

Strategies in Neonatal Care to Promote Optimized Growth and Development: Focus ...

Early and adequate nutritional support is critical to achieve appropriate rates of weight gain, which are almost twice that of a term infant. The 96th Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop was focused on the latest scientific knowledge in the area of

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The Washington Manual of Critical Care - Marin Kollef, Warren Isakow, A. Cole Burks, Vladimir Despotovic, Kartoniert (TB)

The Washington Manual of Critical Care - Marin Kollef, Warren Isakow, A. Cole ...

The Washington Manual of Critical Care , similar to other volumes in this vaunted series, features authors and contributors who are faculty members and practicing physicians at Washington University’s School of Medicine. Inside you’ll find

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Acute and Critical Care Formulas and Laboratory Values - Joseph Varon, Jr., Robert E. Fromm, Kartoniert (TB)

Acute and Critical Care Formulas and Laboratory Values - Joseph Varon, Jr., ...

This pocket guide is a single-volume source of the most common and important formulas and laboratory values used in the daily practice of acute care and critical care medicine. Information is presented in outline format and as tables, graphics, and

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Fuhrman and Zimmerman's Pediatric Critical Care - Jerry J. Zimmerman, Alexandre T. Rotta, Gebunden

Fuhrman and Zimmerman's Pediatric Critical Care - Jerry J. Zimmerman, Alexandre ...

In the highly specialized field of caring for children in the PICU, Fuhrman and Zimmerman's Pediatric Critical Care is the definitive reference for all members of the pediatric intensive care team. Drs. Jerry J. Zimmerman and Alexandre T. Rotta,

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Manual of Perioperative Care in Adult Cardiac Surgery - Robert M. Bojar, Kartoniert (TB)

Manual of Perioperative Care in Adult Cardiac Surgery - Robert M. Bojar, ...

Now in its sixth edition, Robert M. Bojar's Manual of Perioperative Care in Adult Cardiac Surgery remains the go-to practical guide for all of those involved in the care of the cardiac surgery patient. Written in outline format, it provides a

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The underlying of health care systems in developing countries: Health policy, planning and the Impact of Social Economic Status (SES) on Health Disparities - Mukasa Aziz Hawards, Kartoniert (TB)

The underlying of health care systems in developing countries: Health policy, ...

The impact of health policy and planning are tremendous remedies through which the health care systems derive their primary potentials in the health promotion ventures and interventions. The programs designed in the health arena are tentatively

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The Courage to Care - Christie Watson, Kartoniert (TB)

The Courage to Care - Christie Watson, Kartoniert (TB)

'An inspiring book for our challenging times' Olivia Coleman Nurses have never been more important. We benefit from their expertise in our hospitals and beyond: in our schools, on our streets, in prisons, hospices and care homes. When we feel most

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The Health Care Handbook - Elisabeth Thames Askin, Nathan Moore, Kartoniert (TB)

The Health Care Handbook - Elisabeth Thames Askin, Nathan Moore, Kartoniert (TB)

Described in the New York Times as an astonishingly clear ‘user’s manual’ that explains our health care system and the policies that will change it,” The Health Care Handbook, by Drs. Elisabeth Askin and Nathan Moore, offers a practical,

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