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fundamentals of business process management bei weltbild

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Design Thinking in Software and AI Projects - Robert Stackowiak, Tracey Kelly, Kartoniert (TB)

Design Thinking in Software and AI Projects - Robert Stackowiak, Tracey Kelly, ...

Learn the fundamentals of Design Thinking and how to apply Design Thinking techniques in defining software development and AI solutions. Design Thinking is an approach to innovation which identifies problems and generates solution ideas that can be

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SAP Enterprise Portfolio and Project Management - Joseph Alexander Soosaimuthu, Kartoniert (TB)

SAP Enterprise Portfolio and Project Management - Joseph Alexander Soosaimuthu, ...

Learn the fundamentals of SAP Enterprise Project and Portfolio management Project Systems (PS), Portfolio and Project Management (PPM) and Commercial Project Management (CPM) and their integration with other SAP modules. This book covers various

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Intelligent Knowledge - Yong Shi, Lingling Zhang, Yingjie Tian, Xingsen Li, Kartoniert (TB)

Intelligent Knowledge - Yong Shi, Lingling Zhang, Yingjie Tian, Xingsen Li, ...

This book is mainly about an innovative and fundamental method called intelligent knowledge to bridge the gap between data mining and knowledge management, two important fields recognized by the information technology (IT) community and business

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Portfolio Theory and Performance Analysis - Jane E. Dutton, Veronique Le Sourd, Gebunden

Portfolio Theory and Performance Analysis - Jane E. Dutton, Veronique Le Sourd, ...

For many years asset management was considered to be a marginal activity, but today, it is central to the development of financial industry throughout the world. Asset management's transition from an art and craft to an industry has inevitably

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Machine Learning for Decision Makers - Patanjali Kashyap, Kartoniert (TB)

Machine Learning for Decision Makers - Patanjali Kashyap, Kartoniert (TB)

Take a deep dive into the concepts of machine learning as they apply to contemporary business and management. You will learn how machine learning techniques are used to solve fundamental and complex problems in society and industry. Machine Learning

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Advances in Databases and Information Systems, Kartoniert (TB)

Advances in Databases and Information Systems, Kartoniert (TB)

This volume is the second one of the 16th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2012), held on September 18-21, 2012, in Poznan, Poland. The first one has been published in the LNCS series. This volume

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Business Processes - Tova Milo, Daniel Deutsch, Kartoniert (TB)

Business Processes - Tova Milo, Daniel Deutsch, Kartoniert (TB)

While classic data management focuses on the data itself, research on Business Processes also considers the context in which this data is generated and manipulated, namely the processes, users, and goals that this data serves. This provides the

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