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How Innovation Works - Matt Ridley, Gebunden

How Innovation Works - Matt Ridley, Gebunden

Building on his national bestseller The Rational Optimist, Matt Ridley chronicles the history of innovation, and how we need to change our thinking on the subject. Innovation is the main event of the modern age, the reason we experience both

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A Million Kisses In Your Lifetime - Monica Murphy, Kartoniert (TB)

A Million Kisses In Your Lifetime - Monica Murphy, Kartoniert (TB)

DISCOVER THE DEEPLY ROMANTIC AND UNFORGETTABLE TIKTOK SENSATION THAT WILL GRIP YOU UNTIL THE VERY LAST PAGE 'Wren and Crew stole my heart and neither of them will give it back. I cannot explain how much I adore this story . . . Full of angst, drama

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The Dragon and Her Boy - Penny Chrimes, Kartoniert (TB)

The Dragon and Her Boy - Penny Chrimes, Kartoniert (TB)

'Never has gutter-life been more appealing. Penny Chrimes' blisteringly descriptive writing draws the heat from the cobbles and the steam from the nostrils. A larruping good adventure' - Zeb SoanesA story of a the very last living dragon, stuck

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Full Steam Ahead, Felix - Kate Moore, Kartoniert (TB)

Full Steam Ahead, Felix - Kate Moore, Kartoniert (TB)

Curl up with the wonderfully cosy SUNDAY TIMES bestselling tale of the exciting adventures of Felix and Bolt!'FULL OF FUNNY AND HEART-WARMING STORIES' Sunday Express _________ Felix, Senior Pest Controller at Huddersfield station, has been at the

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Old Times on the Upper Mississippi - George Byron Merrick, Kartoniert (TB)

Old Times on the Upper Mississippi - George Byron Merrick, Kartoniert (TB)

What was life like on the Mississippi in the good old days? What were the challenges? How was navigation done? Which ships were on the river? These questions and many more are answered by the recollecions of a famous steam boat pilot, George

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Promises We Meant To Keep - Monica Murphy, Kartoniert (TB)

Promises We Meant To Keep - Monica Murphy, Kartoniert (TB)

From the bestselling author of A Million Kisses In Your Lifetime, this is the addictive Lancaster Prep novel about second chances and star-crossed love . . . 'The intensity of Spence and Sylvie will pull you under, and their journey together will

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